Rabu, 20 Juni 2018


CINDX - это блокирующая экосистема для инвесторов, трейдеров, управляющих активами и поставщиков, CINDX позволяет любому инвестировать в крипторемонт и зарабатывать без специальных знаний или навыков. 
CINDX разрабатывает экосистему, которая позволяет любому инвестору выбирать трейдера и / или управляющего активами для управления своим портфелем и надежно торговать своими криптофундами за разумную плату за успех

Теперь инвесторы могут ссылаться на прозрачную и проверенную статистику трейдеров и менеджеров как способ выбрать подходящую торговую стратегию. Статистика включает историю выполнения, уровень риска, тип криптовалюты, торгуемый и т. Д. Таким образом, инвесторы могут найти наиболее подходящего трейдера для управления своими активами.

Когда пользователи выбирают менеджера, запускаются APis и смарт-контракты. CINDX использует APis как «портал», позволяя управлять учетной записью инвестора с помощью учетной записи выбранного управляющего активами. Затем смарт-контракт автоматически регистрирует каждую сделку, сделанную менеджером активов. И он копирует и выполняет те же сделки на счете инвестора. 

Это означает, что транзакции не просто копируются пропорционально размеру портфеля инвестора. Менеджер видит точный объем ввода в торговую операцию (заказ) с помощью средств инвесторов, копирующих транзакцию. Алгоритмы CINDX контролируют ликвидность на выбранной торговой паре и предупреждают менеджера о низком объеме DOM (Depth of Market).

В некоторых случаях система может блокировать заказ менеджера или предлагать уменьшить его объем, чтобы избежать проскальзывания и стратегий PUMP / DUMP. Хотя многие проекты предлагают предоставлять подобную услугу в будущем, CINDX действительно имеет некоторые функции, которые делают его выдающимся.


Для инвесторов
  • Криптоактивные активы остаются в кошельке инвестора.
  • Выбор трейдеров в соответствии с их рейтингом.
  • Автоматическое копирование действий выбранного трейдера и их тиражирование в учетной записи.
  • Оплата только сборы за успех.
Для трейдеров
  • Криптовые активы остаются в кошельке трейдера.
  • Доступные инструменты от поставщиков: аналитические и торговые боты, инструменты для анализа социальной сети и технического анализа.
  • Доступ к личным блогам для публикации торговых идей.
Для поставщиков
  • Зарегистрируйте и загрузите продукты в концентратор поставщика.
  • Аудит кода и интеграция в систему до того, как продукт станет доступен для покупки трейдерами и менеджерами.

Детали продажи токена

Главная информация
Название токенаCINX
Общественная доставка58 000 000 токенов
Минимальная цель$ 6 000 000
Цена за токен$ 1,00
Максимальная цель30 000 000

Публичная продажа начинается 08/08/18 - 09/27/18

1 неделя
Неделя 2
Неделя 3
Неделя 4
Неделя 5
Неделя 6

6 960 000,00
3 480 000,00
3 480 000,00
4 060 000,00
Программа найма менеджеров активов
1740 000,00
Поддержка ликвидности токенов
2 900 000,00
Доступен для продажи
35 100 000,00
Исследования и разработки 
$ 13 200 000,00 
$ 7 800 000,00 
Маркетинг и PR 
$ 5 400 000,00 
Юридические расходы 
$ 2 700 000,00 
Бонус для трейдеров 
$ 900 000,00


Q1 - 2018

Разработка: системная архитектура, Техническое задание

Q2 - 2018

Частная продажа. Разработка: интерфейсы UX / UI, веб-платформа, агрегатор котировок, Модуль KYC / AML, интеграция тестов с обменом. Закрытое альфа-тестирование

Q3 - 2018

Продажа токенов безопасности.Выпуск CINDX без ограничения. Публичная предварительная альфа-версия.

Q4 - 2018

Разработка: релиз CINDX alfa

Q1 - 2019

Разработка: бета-версия CINDX

Q3 - 2019

Разработка: дельта-релиз CINDX

Q1 - 2020

Разработка: релиз CINDX


Юрий Авдеев
Директор по
продукции Val Jerdes
Софья Певзнер
Член правления
Mofassair Хоссейн
директор по маркетингу 
Артур Шамалов
Игорь Окатьев
Директор по продажам
Денис Эскенази Директор по 
маркетингу продуктов
Стефано Фрумсон,
сотрудник по правовым вопросам

Дизайнер UU / UX Рустама Самиева
lbraghim Haniev
Tech Lead
Михаил Кудряшов
Backend Developer

Специалист по маркетингу Andjey Chikovlaz
Менеджер по
маркетингу Тигран Хахунц
Мансур Расулов
Community Team 

Менеджер сообщества Асхад Расулов


Генеральный директор Austin Kimm International Financial Services 
30 лет опыта финансового обслуживания, 
создал компании 
стоимостью 500 миллионов долларов
Филипп Staehelin
25 лет консалтинга и предпринимательства 
$ 500 млн альтернативных платежей бизнес 
200+ стартапов из 20 стран mentored
Amarpreet Singh
Старший советник Фонда Global Blockchain 
Microsoft, Всемирный банк, опыт работы в Airbus 
Консультативный совет Член проектов Blockchain
Keith Teare
Основатель Accelerated Digital Ventures 
Советник ICOBox, Crypterium и EnergiMine 
Основатель компании TechCrunch
Тайлер Сэнфорд
8+ лет в цифровом маркетинге (Yelp, Zenefits) 
12+ ICO за $ 225 млн + привлекли 
раннего последователя блочной цепи
Богдан Фиед Блокхейн
и криптоинвестор и предприниматель 
БитДжоба, соучредитель, Blockchainexperts.io Президент 
ICO Advisor, 
ICOBench Expert
Грей Доггарт
20 лет в разработке и FinTech маркетинге 
Выполненных $ 100 млн кампании 
Advisor для 10+ blockchain 
проектов в этом году

Сэди Хаттон
25 лет в старшем менеджменте и консалтинге 
Многомиллионные кампании стоимостью 75 млн фунтов стерлингов 
ICO Советник 
по 8 проектам

Больше информации 
Веб-сайт: https://cindx.io/
Белая бумага: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QND8G_gccBJrZ1rBfh2Q8FE1iB-hiC-m/view
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cindx.io/
щебет: https://twitter.com/CINDXPlatform
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4421275.0
Reddit: https://medium.com/@cindx
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11536833/
Телеграмма: https://t.me/cindx_official

Имя пользователя BitcoinTalk:KOTEB17
Профиль пользователя BitcoinTalkhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1690713

Selasa, 12 Juni 2018


Being the most important and crucial software within the Internet generation, the social community has emerged as the largest internet utility in the arena. Among all the technological changes, the social network has played a vital feature in every new direction and remodeling the vintage styles for the new surroundings.  The excellent social network, which we trust, is a resident computer along with a rather large number of elements involved in the social network with medium factors such as members (customers), content and family members.  Basically, it is the healthy among the many elements involved within the social community. La comunità sociale centralizzata contemporanea ha problemi che includono la definizione di identificazione non sposata, il fastidio in relazione salutare, 
Con l'emergere della blockchain, il multi-consenso, l'insediamento intelligente e il sistema monetario token hanno dato una motivazione da un punto di vista micro per ogni dettaglio coinvolto all'interno del social network
essere parte dei nodi, in modo simile alla produzione pionieristica della produttività e alla relazione di produzione per l'evoluzione del social network, a causa di questo apportando modifiche imperative al dispositivo della comunità sociale centralizzata moderna. Impegnato a presentare la comunità sociale dell'arena con servizi di comunità sociale auto-evolutivi che forniscono individualizzazione, basso costo di coinvolgimento, guadagno misurabile, tuta efficiente e un equilibrio tra domanda e offerta, NAUS è un ambiente certamente basato sulla blockchain senza contare sulla considerazione. Con il sottostante evoluto auto-evoluto e i protocolli sulla parte inferiore bassa della blockchain, NAUS assisterà un meccanismo di consenso DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) amichevole e sicuro nei dintorni, soluzione intelligente e assemblare reti di storage distribuite in collaborazione con più partner di lavoro. Inoltre. NAUS completerà regolarmente l'infrastruttura lungo l'infrastruttura blockchain laterale e la comunità principale, token di rete blockchain, portafogli NAUS, numerosi tipi di modelli di insediamento intelligenti programmabili e commerciabili, sistemi per produzione di accordi realistici e piattaforma iniziale di moneta, commercio di contratti intelligenti e acquisti per e vendita immagazzina e rilascia DApp (applicazioni sborsate), in un modo per assemblare una comunità sociale basata principalmente su aspetti corretti con un seme inesperto al centro. In qualità di partner strategico leader di NAUS, Tippin Live conta oggi quasi 35 milioni di clienti in tutto il settore, che in particolare provengono da America, Sud-Est asiatico, India e Medio Oriente.
collettivamente con il sistema IM (Instant Messaging), voce multigiocatore, feed di immagini o video, giochi social e video dal vivo, con la blockchain sottostante. Inoltre, i suggerimenti d'oro della blockchain, basata principalmente sulla comunità sociale, in particolare con il consenso, i token sani e le risorse incentive, sono probabilmente consegnati a NAUS. Teniamo conto che Tippin Live è l'epitome del social network globale, da cui inizierà la produzione quotidiana di NAUS. Useremo la base di uomini e donne di Tippin Live, tag di caratteristiche, catene di corteggiamento e scala delle transazioni per dare il via alla produzione ecologica e promuovere la tangenziale e la transazione di insediamento saggio, collaborando regolarmente con i sistemi sociali e gli edifici per contenuti di 0,33 compleanno e portando una notevole casa per il miglioramento di NAUS. 
As a decentralized technical infrastructure, NAUS will serve as a basis.  In order to promote sustainable development of the ecosystem and commercial enterprises and encourage individuals as much as possible, the NAUS Foundation will bother a whole of 5 billion token-NABs.  The NAB, appropriately appropriate with the ancient equivalent of Ethereum ERC20, can be saved in the Ethereum portfolios.  Significant choices regarding the improvement of the network and the environment must be determined by voting for the percentage of protection of the NAB for the contributors of the Foundation. The Alpha model of the NAUS device may be ready to make an online attempt within the first area of ​​2018, and the important community of the NAUS blockchain is scheduled to go online within the 1/3 position of 2018.

Aspects of the project

Above all, in terms of ecological resources and companions, the main partner Tippin Live has tens of hundreds of customers all over the world, with over one hundred million sales, enormous functions of characters and chains of relationships.  It is estimated that NAUS is at the forefront of implementation and has an impact on billions of customers of global social networks.  Meanwhile, the founders and shareholders have wealthy resources and contacts, the Internet investment agency and investment equity and the exchange of records with strict well-known social systems, content platforms, video living systems, establishments MCN (Multichannel Network) and companies listed in Asia.  More and more vertical or complete social networking systems can also be added continuously in NAUS, 
Furthermore, on the theme of utility models, we outline social networking as a form in the midst of people and content at unique intervals in unique dimensions.  NAUS can ascertain the ideal feature that is the fundamental length of the form of human beings and material content using the use of consent and accuracy, efficiency and the rate of healthy coffee among people by means of the capacity of the token financial system .  The multi-size gift incentive and acceptance agreement can also be used to integrate the material and material network of the content material. In addition, the needs of labeled customer situations and DApp (delivered software) can be met with the help of specific and individualized subcontracts that could fulfill the dreams of special eventualities.  The aim is to be aware of the social capabilities of "on call for" and "social marginal discount" and to build a measurable and self-evolving international social network offering health services, services and coffee. Last but not least, in terms of era, we have been given a lower layer of self-advanced blockchain that can manual the DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) rule set at excessive speed (it generates a block in line with the 2 °) and an intelligent agreement with Turing's completeness, which differ from the maximum applications hosted within the congested Ethereum network.  NAUS is able to support higher-frequency, low-value, and competently intelligent settlement transactions (100,000 TPS) (collectively with growth, search and sales, archiving, automated execution, and so on).
Throughout the world, the digital financial machine expands exponentially to an unattainable charge.  In 2017, it is estimated that the size of the virtual economic instrument arena has reached 18 trillion greenbacks in the United States, accounting for 25% of global popular GDP, including America and China classified as the pinnacle in the sentences of the scale of virtual financial devices 2.  The mechanism of self-consideration and token self-governance functionality have been confirmed as robust and feasible.  Following the Ethereum expedition and an intelligent agreement, the token opened the front door to a new international producer. The token can also be received from mining and money can also be earned from the price of destiny through the construction of an entire environment by counting on an intelligent agreement, allowing participants to replace figures, records, material material content,

Development and maturity of the assigned blockchain and ledger technology

With the ongoing exploration of digital forex and blockchain fees, the global blockchain is taking shape and individuals are growing.  Other and other organizations have begun to connect the importance and to enter in the phase of the blockchain technology exploration, from the tremendous activities of the community open to the public offer that consist in Bitcoin and Ethereum in the first position to more than a few blockchain startups, assignments range of capital, monetary institutions, IT organizations and regulatory organizations. 
Various blockchain corporate alliances have emerged.  Both financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and NASDAQ and technology-understanding agencies such as IBM, Microsoft and Intel have extended funding and quickly imposed nine layouts within the blockchain.  Under this record, a series of boom was made in blockchain application.  In the business sector, innovation and entrepreneurial sport were dynamic. 
At the same time, a huge capital has been invested within the blockchain.  The emergence of recently-born companies also accelerates the extension of blockchain packages into new regions.  From the point of view of the improvement and usefulness of the modules of technological competences of vital difficulty on the return of the blockchain and the ledger distributed at the current level, the modern opposition and the evaluation of the blockchain systems involve consensus mechanisms, protection algorithms of privateness and the intelligent contract packages.  Basic elements consisting of P2P community protocols, computer and garage systems and preferred encryption algorithms have been mature. It is expected that with the non-forestry deepening of blockchain programs, the new and higher requirements will remain in advance for the core era, 
To be more precise, priority could be given to the stability between equity and effectiveness on the degree of competition from the aggressive phase of consensus mechanisms.  The equity mentioned above is the right one to keep debts wanting to be available to each player.  And the above performances do not require that every player keeps the coins owed at all times, and the agent's selection through the run-off works in addition.  In the end, the consent mechanism requires that the issuing country of the business meets the request for use of the aid, reaction time, processing time, actual speed and the highest possible load limit. So, compared to POW, POS, BFT, DPOS and incredible consensus algorithms, DPOS's consent has been changed.
To the amount of protection of privatization, it is important to pay attention to the wishes of security, especially within the following components such as confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, traceability and authenticity, including the way in which the blockchain device can guarantee with certainty that its information can be consulted primarily through legal clients, integrity refers to the viable blockchain system to prevent unauthorized access to the right of access and tampering with functionality or information, the way not to repudiate hobbies o the event occurring in the computer blockchain can be confirmed and can not be denied, traceability refers to the ability of the blockchain gadget to suggest the sports of each body. Authenticity mode the blockchain device can verify the identity of the target or resource.

BitCointalk username: koteb17




Crypstock is an innovative centralized exchange platform based on blockchain technology. Crypstock automaticaly allows to make artbitrage transactions to providing income for ICS Token holders.
Crypstock have a regular crypto exchange to, where a trader can get better prices on crypto transactions on the market and complicated inter-exchange arbitrage system, which works with several tools and is profitable for token holders.


This idea is several professional tools that provide an opportunity for regular traders to work with better prices for trading. With complex configuration of trading operations on exchanges, immediately receiving the income on exchange rate differences and, thus, earning money for token holders CONSTANTLY and AUTOMATICALLY.
This Multi-Purpose System Includes :
  • Crypto exchange
  • Automatic arbitrage system with several subsystems
  • Network of ATM crypto terminals for input and output of fiat money
  • POS system for accepting cryptocurrency on trading spots
  • Secure crypto wallets


ICS Token
ICS token allows to pay fees and use services. This token is profitable, because the system will pay 30% from profit generated by all automatic inter-exchange operations of subsystems CrypStock

HCIS Token
You get HICS token for 20% of your token holders exceeding USD 5000 and it is also profitable. However, HICS token holders receive a distributed extra 20% profit of, generated from all automatic inter-exchange transactions of CrypStock subsystems. What factors make token income increase. See below.


There is no easy ways to Deposit or Widhrawals Cryptocurrencies and many verification such like email, message, etc, but Crypstock developing his Own Network of ATM Crypto Terminal.
Crypstock developing crypto terminals network are already established in several countries and will work in test mode already in 2018. We are actively developing the network with our own contribution and will share our income with contributors, including exchange income.




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