Greeting Community...
It has been foreseen that in 2018, blockchain projects would overtake the whole world with a lot of ready-made products that can be instantly applied to the real world, plus numerous promising start-up companies that will be launching ICOs, aiming to compete with existing solutions and thereby, generally interrupt the state of affairs.
Be that as it may, there is currently no place or region with conditions favourable for the launching and development of blockchain projects. This is because there is generally a serious uncertainty when it comes to crypto currency market regulations in addition to the absence of adequate infrastructure to help blockchain entrepreneurs and developers ride smoothly. Consequently, entrepreneurs and investors in the blockchain sphere are faced with no other option than to take on both financial and non-financial risks in engaging in those projects.
FreeZone is a new ecosystem for business blockchain. These include: economic zone Crypto free Infrastructure consists of five corporate finance Community blockchain libertarian Freezone We have built five companies that will operate with money and cryptocurrency fiat. All financial services can be used within the FreeZone framework
The mission of this project is to create Freezone which will become a free economic zone created specifically for block-based business of encryption operations within this zone, the Blockchain business can operate legally protected from foreign government persecution and regulatory agencies, free of income tax and from tax encryption transactions
The infrastructure designed to drastically simplify business operations and operations involving encryption for companies and individuals within the free crypto economy zone (FCEZ) while offering services to foreign entities, The infrastructure consists of five major companies: the Bank's universal trading platform (UTP), the Investment Bank, the Payment System, and the marketing agency that will all work with encryption and banknotes
Universal Trading Platform:
We are developing a universal trading platform where users will be able to conduct transactions
with cryptocurrencies, derivatives, commodities, and various other types of traditional goods.
Competitive advantages compared to existing cryptocurrency exchanges:
• Low risk of disputes between traders and government institutions that would otherwise result
from stringent state-backed KYC & AML regulatory procedures
• Easy deposit and withdrawal of funds in any currency (crypto or fiat) through our own bank and
payment systemWide range of traded assets
• The possibility to trade any asset from a single account
• The opportunity to trade using an account within our payment system, without placing money
into the market; the account can be used simultaneously for market trades and for purchasing
goods and services, online and offline
• A referral program that creates additional income opportunities for community members and
traders alike
• Margin trading through leverage provided by other traders or our bank
• Fast and easy floating of new ICO tokens on the market through our investment bank
Payment System
We are developing a payment system that integrates a wide range of payment tools cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies and e-money.
Competitive advantages compared to existing payment systems:
• Ability to accept fiat money in exchange for tokens during ICOs without taking the risk of losing
funds or having them frozen due to legal, KYC & AML issues, which are solved by our infrastructure
• Ability to hold an account in one currency (crypto, fiat, e-money) and purchase goods, services
and assets in any other currency due to rapid automatic conversion
• Ability to accept all currencies (crypto, fiat, e-money) through merchant accounts for goods and
service providers
• Ability to use payment system account funds for trading any asset within the universal trading
Investment Bank
We are developing an investment bank which specializes in cryptocurrency and blockchain asset
investment. At present, there are no firms that offer a full range of cryptocurrency investment
services on the market.
Competitive advantages and services:
• Full range of ICO launching services, including: logistic and legal support, marketing, financial
system optimization, presentation to potential investors, token sale organization and liquidity
support, escrow and smart contract development.
• Consulting services for token issuers and cryptocurrency investors
• Brokerage for cryptocurrency markets
• Trust management of assets for investors looking to invest in crypto assets
• Cryptocurrency investment fund management
The bank will specialize in cryptocurrency operation services. Currently, there is no such structure
on the market.
Competitive advantages and services:
• Account management in various cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, and e-money
• Multi-currency debit and credit card issue and maintenance (both crypto and fiat)
• Fast and easy conversion between cryptocurrencies, fiat money and e-money
• Deposits in various cryptocurrencies
• Loans secured by cryptocurrency and blockchain assets
• Cryptocurrency-based leverage for margin trading
Marketing Agency
Competitive advantages and services to be provided:
• Integrated marketing and PR management for projects launching ICOs, including working with
specialized media, blogs and forums, contextual, media and native advertising, opinion-leader
involvement, referral programs, SMM, blockchain conferences and meetups
• Developing referral programs to attract blockchain business clients and ICO investors
• Integrating the market’s existing referral programs into one platform, creating additional income
opportunities for community members
Vision is a successful multifunctional blockbuster platform that will offer support to its clients in building companies and infrastructure that are promising and specific for successful negotiations in both cryptography and real-world fields and will implement trading platforms, Banks, Payment Systems, Investment Banks and marketing agencies-generating communities Blocks are free
Part of FreeZone profits will go towards financing the community, We plan to cultivate and support a vast community around our project, creating a synergy
between business and society.
The services we are currently exploring include:
• free education
• charity work
• legal assistance
• escrow services
• employment assistance for freelancers
• visa support
• assistance in obtaining citizenship
• assistance in obtaining asylum
• assistance with adoption
• human rights groups contact service
• assistance arranging euthanasia
• transhumanism development services
• referral programs
• social networking
• global sharing
Freezone Tokens
We are planning to attract $100 million to finance the project thorough the creation and sale of FreeZone tokens. The tokens will be created based on Ethereum standard ERC-20.
The total amount of the tokens to be issued is 1 billion. 500 millionn tokens will be sold during the ICO, whilst 200 million. tokens are to be held by FreeZone Corp. and will be used to support the ecosystem, bounty-program, and project promotion, as well as for the secondary placement. 300 million. tokens will be gradually transferred into the possession of the project’s founders. The first 100 million tokens will become their property 12 months after the ICO. Subsequently, 18, 24, 30
and 36 months after the ICO is finished, 50 million tokens for each 6 month period will be transferred into their possession. The issuance of FreeZone tokens takes place only once and amounts to 1 billion tokens. No further tokens will be issued. No less than 50% of FreeZone Corp. net profit will be divided among FreeZone token holders. The services provided by FreeZone can be paid for with tokens. The development path of the blockchain community and the social services it provides will be defined by a system of voting, and the number of votes of one project participant can exercise will equal the number of tokens they hold.
The tokens held by FreeZone Corp. and the tokens that are gradually transferred into possession of
the project founders following the ICO completion date form part of the profit distribution and
voting on the same terms as the rest of the tokens.
*The token price is defined and published on the FreeZone website on the day the tokens are distributed. The price is defined according to the following algorithm: payments are calculated based on the Ethereum conversion rate on the date of payment, multiplied by the final bonus coefficients; these numbers are rounded to the nearest whole; the result is the final amount received in Ethereum, taking the bonuses into account. This total is divided by 500 million tokens, and the resulting number is the basic token price in Ethereum. The amount of tokens, received by the customer, is calculated as the amount of money paid, recalculated in Ethereum, multiplied by the final bonus coefficient and divided by the basic token price. This final number is rounded to the closest whole based on standard mathematical principles. The final amount tokens sold may differ slightly from the amount of 500 million due to this rounding discrepancy.
The blockchain and cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, and yet there is hardly any infrastructure that would yield favorable legal, financial, economic, logistic, and marketing conditions for running a business in this market. We have successful experience in building businesses and infrastructure, and we will apply it to the creation of a specialized free economic zone with five infrastructural enterprises – a universal trading platform, payment system, bank, investment bank and marketing agency – resulting in a Libertarian blockchain community. The existence of a market sector with colossal unsatisfied demand for infrastructure could allow us to secure significantly large returns on investment. We estimate an investment return of 150% in 2019-2020, and by 2022 the FreeZone token’s value is expected to grow 80-fold. Most blockchain projects work on creating a product. We’re creating an entire ecosystem where other blockchain products can thrive.
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