Minggu, 29 April 2018


Photos of L-Pesa Crypto World.

What is L-Pesa? 
Microfinance L-Pesa is a start-up fintech ready to capitalize on the rapidly growing financial services needs of developing countries. The company has validated its operational model for the past 24 months and has built up the most sophisticated technology, automating most of its operations. The main obstacle to today's growth is the ability to fund user acquisition and lending. The loan loss rate is less than 10% while the loan is 25%. 

The idea for L-Pesa was cherished for a decade, and business was launched at the time four important market forces gathered to allow replication:

  • Big data, artificial intelligence & blockchain
  • Credit data replaced
  • Mobile technology
  • Biometric Identification

L-Pesa has leveraged this market power and built its own proprietary credit technology model and templates, allowing it to rapidly grow micro in developing countries while maintaining a high rate of return. Loss less than 10%. The solution is highly automated, allowing a small support staff to support large loans. All loans are provided by L-Pesa. 

L-Pesa focuses more on automation. 95% of the process of repurchase and auto buyer acquisition and underwriting can therefore be highly appreciated. The company has spent two years developing a customer-facing system and office system using a team of seven software developers. The user experience is based on the mobile and web interface and marketing is primarily done through social media and SMS.

L-Pesa technology stack is built on top of Amazon's highly scalable, scalable Web services platform that has been or is being used by major brands such as Netflix, Airbnb , Pinterest and Spotify. L-Pesa has integrated a number of third-party applications to perform tasks such as SMS, user verification, and marketing. Transfers are made through integration with mobile money providers such as M-Pesa, Airtel Money, Tigo Pesa and MTN.

L-Pesa has released more than 38,000 loans since its launch in March 2016. More than 170,000 registered users are based on a social marketing campaign with a minimum budget. The marketing strategy has been refined over the past 24 months, and L-Pesa is poised to launch a marketing campaign via SMS and social media at a planned $ 1.00 cost. calculated. 

The vision of the L-Pesa
L-Pesa project was established with the vision of improving the lives of people through effective access to credit and related financial services. It is to make the world a better place for everyone. L-Pesa has begun providing microfinance services in Tanzania in 2016 and has developed its services and geographical markup with increasing speed in pursuit of this vision.

Krypton Token (LPK) The
Krypton Token is built on Blockchain Ethereum that allows its owners to use L-Pesa financial instruments at low cost. 

Copyright Sales Details

  • Token Sales Calendar: April 10, 2018
  • Buy Token: Ethereum, Bitcoin
  • Price Code: -
  • Bonus: -
  • Total Supply: 2,600,000,000 LPK
Executive Board

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